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Mystery 207 is a professional touring murder/mystery acting troupe made up of over 35 professional actors. Heavily derived from the comedy improv troupe “The Doppelbloopers”, Mystery 207 has staged hundreds of immersive crime scenes to thousands of people from Bangor, Maine to Boston, Massachusetts since 2018.

The Troupe
Aaron- Actor

Andy- Comic

Ashley- Actress

Becca- Actress

Beef Jerky**- Actor

Billy- Actor/Comic

Bob- Lead Actor

Brittany- Actress

Camilla- Actress

Cathy- Actress/Comic

Christina- Actress
Clarissa- Actress

Courtney- Writer/Actor/Comic/Musician/Puppeteer

Dennis- Lead Actor

Ellie- Actress/Comic
Garret- Actor

Gerald- Comic

Greg- Lead Actor/Comic

Jason- Writer/Lead Actor
Joshua- Comic

Katie M- Actress

Katie R- Actress

Kendray-Writer/Lead Actress/Comic
Larry- Writer/Comic/Host

Letia- Actress/Comic

Linda- Writer/Actress

Mackenzie- Writer/Actress
Marc- Producer/Writer/Actor/Comic

Patricia- Actress
Peter- Lead Actor

Raychel- Lead Actress
Ross- Actor

Somer- Actress
Tamara- Lead Actress

Tom- Co-Founder/Advisor
Vince- Actor/Comic

** Scott Severance
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